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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

GO: Google's programming language

The Developer of World's most popular search engine, Google company, launch its own programming language, Known as go. go is open source development language. Google believes that Go will combine performance with speed, will reshape the development and software industries in its favor.

Go is based on the, one of most widely used programming language trees in the world, C programming family.

Web and computing have changed dramatically in the last ten years, but the language powering that computing have not. Google analysis it and developed,new programming language, Go. Google believes that Go is more efficient programming language to computing it and having one it designed being used in thousands web  and software apps.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Writing Bug Free C Code

The book is aimed from beginner to noivce programmer who want to write bug free C code. The book starts with why bug is exist, moves to class methodology and general tips for writing bug free C code.

C Books

Pointer and Arrays in C