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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Installation of CakePHP

System Requirement

  • Http Server should be enabled
  • mod_rewrite should be enabled

Installation of cakephp

Follow the following step to install the cakephp:
  • Download the zip file from site
  • Create a new folder, which has same name as your site's name, in xampp/htdocs folder in your local drive
  • Extract the zip file in this folder

Database configuration in cakephp

Follow the following step to database configuration in cakephp
Create a new database in mysql or in database engine which you want to use.
Open the file xampp\htdocs\your_ site's_name\app\config\database.php
In this file there is two variable $default and $test are defined in class DATABASE_CONFIG
$default is used unless user does not specify another connection by $useDbConfig  property of a model.

Change the following code
'driver' => 'mysql',
  'persistent' => false,
  'host' => 'localhost',
  'login' => 'root',
  'password' => '',
  'database' => ' ',
  'prefix' => '',

driver: The name of database driver which is used to create database. You can use mysql, oracle, odbc etc. If you want to use datasource leave this field blank.

persistent : This is used to set database connection be persistent or not. If we set it true, the connection be persistent and if we set if false, the connection be non-persistent.

host: This is  host name of database's server.

login: This is login name of the database's server.

password : This is password of the database's server.

database: This is name of the database.

prefix: If the database tables has prefix, then set the prefix value here otherwise leave it blank

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